With 2014 Almost Out The Door, Time to Reflect!


As the new year approaches with party hat donned and champagne in hand, I’m sharing my final thoughts on 2014. Honestly, I’m glad it’s over! It has been a particularly challenging year for me, especially the last few months as I juggle two full-time jobs. However, one of the brightest spots (besides my loving husband and family) has been the launch of my online boutique C’est Mode Chic. I take great pride in the hard work and heart I have poured into it. Not only am I fulfilling one of my dreams, this venture has opened the door to collaborations and partnerships with other talented female entrepreneurs.


It has been such a rewarding experience to have the opportunity to bond with other designers and bloggers such as myself, making me realize the importance of supporting other women and staying away from those that tear each other down. We as women need to encourage and empower one another. The world is tough enough as it is for us, why make it harder? The jealous, mean girl behavior is such an ugly look anyway. We can do better.


Photo Credit: Helen Ainson blog

As part of my goal for 2015, I plan to dedicate more blog posts highlighting the achievements of the talented and creatively driven women I’ve met along the way to establishing my business so stay tuned for more in the coming weeks. Now, it’s your turn to share! What is one important goal you would like to accomplish in the new year? The time to do it is now!

6 thoughts on “With 2014 Almost Out The Door, Time to Reflect!

    • That’s a great goal! Reading nonfiction books has always been a passion of mine first starting as a child. I definitely don’t read as many books as I use to but maybe I should take your lead and challenge myself to read more.


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